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Angelenia Edwards

UserName: angelJedwards City: Pensacola State: FL Followers: (1)


Angel J Edwards was born a true native to Florida. She began her career in drafting and design as a board draftsperson until 1992. At that time she shifted her career to the fine arts. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida in 2003, where she was awarded as an Outstanding Student from the College of Arts and Sciences in 2001. She received an honorable mention for her installation piece titled “Sections” which combined printmaking and mixed media from the University Student Art Exhibit that same year. Angel’s love for sculptor and printmaking shifted to the classical tradition of landscape painting. She received her Master’s degree in Fine Art, painting and drawing from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, California in 2014. Three of her Landscape paintings were selected for the “Sand and Sea” group exhibit in the summer of 2014 sponsored by the Art Co-op of North East Florida. She is an active member of the Florida’s First Coast Plein Aire Painters group and is currently working as a secondary art educator in Jacksonville, Florida.