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Linda Hendricks

UserName: LindaHendricks City: Flat Rock State: NC Followers: (0)


Originally from a suburb northwest of Detroit, Michigan, Linda began to study art at the age of 13. “I was fortunate to live in an area where the public school system had the funding for the art programs. In my years at the junior high level, I was always taking courses in drawing, drafting and metal shop. I wouldn’t be caught dead in the home-economic classes! My high school had an excellent art department as well. I was able to study a variety of art forms, from basic drawing to film animation. I even took a life drawing class at the recommendation of one of my instructors at the age of 16.” Linda graduated with high honors in Visual Art. After high school, she attended the Center for Creative Studies in Downtown Detroit. “I have a very loose and free style that goes into all of my paintings and drawings. I’ll start a painting with loose sketches, then, the paintings develop into objects of life and beauty. Painting is a great way to channel my mental energy.” Linda has lived in North Carolina since 1993. In 1998, she moved to Flat Rock, NC. Linda taught at the Boys & Girls Club of Henderson County, from 1999 to 2009, and held private classes for children and adults. In the spring of 2008, Linda earned her accreditation as an Appraiser of Fine Art through the International Society of Appraisers. Linda continues to paint in a variety of styles and mediums and works on various projects focusing on visual art.