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Jennifer James

UserName: JenniferJames City: Saint Louis State: MO Followers: (0)


I graduated from Fontbonne University with a BFA in Graphic Design and an MA & MFA in Painting. I have been teaching for over 15 years in higher education, and have taught for many of the local Universities and Colleges. Currently I am Adjunct Professor of Graphic Design and Fine Art SIBA , along with a COCA camp instructor, and COCAbiz instructor. My artwork is in several private collections, including a mural at Fontbonne University and a mural at the Missouri Museum of Transportation. My art has been included in many local shows and has also won many awards, including first place in landscape painting at the Best of Maryville art show, and Associated Professional Photographers awards for portraiture and creative digital effects. I am currently working on a new series of paintings, prints and sculptural pieces to be shown soon.