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The People vs. George Lucas Sequel In Development

By Mark Hodge (doddleNEWS)

There is arguably no stranger relationship in the world of cinema than the one between Star Wars fans and series creator George Lucas.

For anybody who isn’t familiar with the utter absurdity of the situation, basically most Star Wars geeks despise Lucas, even though they are obsessed with the fictional world which he created.

And considering the impact upon popular culture which the iconic film franchise has had, it was no surprise when documentaryThe People vs. George Lucas was released in 2010, and explored this bizarre and fairly awkward dynamic.

However since then, Disney have of course bought Lucasfilm for over $4 billion, rejuvenating the series and developing the sequel trilogy which fans never thought would happen.

As a result, filmmaker Alexandre O. Philippe, rather smartly, is producing The People vs. George Lucas II, which intends to explore the ‘Disneyfication’ of the Star Wars galaxy.

The follow-up doc will be released in December 2015, just in time for Star Wars: Episode VII, which is directed by JJ Abrams.

The first film

Indeed, the title of the new documentary is potentially misleading considering Lucas has almost nothing to do with the new films. While he has the title ‘creative consultant’ he recently admitted that Abrams hadn’t even called him to talk about the movie -- of course the Lost creator is a self-confessed Star Wars geek and therefore probably hates Lucas’ guts.

The source of the considerable fan animosity towards Lucas is linked directly to the laughably bad prequel trilogy (1999 – 2005), and the filmmaker’s tweaking of the original three films (1977 – 1983), filling them with unnecessary CGI and Greedo infamously shooting first.

Although, the very start of the ‘feud’ can be traced back to Return of the Jedi (1983), when Lucas killed off geek favorite Boba Fett in the first third of the film, and then ended the trilogy with a teddy bear picnic in the woods of Endor.

For further details on the The People vs. George Lucas II,and the first film, check out the documentary’s website.

Stay tuned for more Star Wars news.

Source: EW

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