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Chanda Prater

city: North Augusta State: SC Post Date: Sep 4, 2016 Followers: (0)

My Gallery — ""Throw me something mista""

"Throw me something mista"

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Creative expression of inspired events from childhood growing up in NOLA. The city that sculptured, nurtured and created me. Expressions from local culture experiences from childhood to young adulthood. Expressions of love; hate,and fear for my native city. Each piece in this particular collection will express the emotions and feelings I've experienced throughout my early childhood years. Also young teenage/young adult years. Process of raw thoughts straight to canvas from memories. A collection of memories, experiences and emotions captured with a paint brush and canvas incorporated with arts and crafts. Dedicated to the city that created me. Good, bad and the ugly. Big easy crescent city. © 2018 ; Art Style; other; Tags: Zulu nation; Media: graffiti; Materials: Acrylics on canvas, beads, stone assortment .. Original ID: LBsEF4MQmulsnruR

Sep 4, 2016


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