Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Jan 31, 2022


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7 Ways to Boost the Rate of Returning Customers

Every company is reliant on the business of its customers, and a large percentage of any brand’s marketing budget is focused on the acquisition of new customers. However, the majority of a successful company’s revenue is actually generated by repeat buyers, all of which are crucial to facilitate true growth for your business. 

How can you encourage customers to come back and do business with you a second, third or fourth time? Read on for tips and strategies to help you increase the likelihood that a customer will return to make an additional purchase. 

1. Understand Your Sales Metrics

Before you implement any additional marketing strategies or tools, it’s important that you have a clear understanding of what your current sales metrics look like and what the information means for your future efforts. From your net promoter score to your conversion rates, pay special attention to the numbers of returning customers when compared to the number of total customers that visit your business. 

2. Improve Your Customer Experience

The better you understand who your customers are and what they want, need and look for when they hunt for products and services, the better you’ll be able to meet them where they are and position yourself as the answer to their questions. Take time to collect feedback from your existing customers about their experience with your company, and be certain to offer clear, open and consistent channels for them to communicate with you when they have questions, complaints or need assistance with your products or services. 

3. Compile a List

Whether you run an e-commerce business or have set up shop in a brick and mortar store, try to collect the email addresses of customers in order to send exclusive promotions, sales, behind-the-scenes product launches or newsletters that provide helpful information or upcoming news about your company. These emails can provide valuable exposure for your business, but they can also increase conversion rates when you incorporate automated emails designed for individual customers that include abandoned cart specials, reminders, receipts, welcome coupons or seasonal deals. 

4. Offer Incentives

Customers are far more likely to return to a business if they have an additional motivation to do so rather than just your stellar products, which is why coupons and discount codes are so valuable for increasing customer retention. While coupons and discounts can become overused, at the right levels, they can bring back customers who were on the fence about doing business with you again so that they can make another purchase that gives them a better idea and further convince them of the style, quality and excellence of your goods and services. 

5. Create a Loyalty Program

One of the simplest ways to better guarantee you’ll see a customer again is to implement and invite him or her to your loyalty program. Customer loyalty programs are designed to reward repeat business in the form of free products, special discounts or points for purchases that can be redeemed for exclusive offers. You can send emails, offer punch cards or phone number check-ins or couple a points system to their email address so that these programs are automated. 

6. Find Ways to Personalize

The more your customers feel recognized by you as an individual person with their own thoughts, feelings and personal details, the more valued they will feel as a customer. Collect important data such as their name, email address and birthday and include smart details that will personalize emails using their name, save their shipping information or send them a special birthday gift or discount when the time comes. 

7. Prioritize Relationships

Whenever you have the opportunity to interact with a customer directly, it’s important to consider their value when it comes to your business. Try to remember their name, how they discovered your company, what they’re interested in and how you can best serve their needs through your company. Establishing authentic relationships with your customers can go a long way in building customer retention, as the happier your customers feel while interacting with your business, the more they’ll consider you and your company a great place to be. 

Jan 31, 2022


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