Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 21, 2021


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6 Ways to Boost Your Creativity

It may seem as though creativity is a natural, inborn trait that some have while others don’t, but this trait, as well as its sister characteristics cleverness, artistry, inventiveness and originality, can be cultivated and developed by everyone. When it feels like your own creativity is nowhere to be found, follow these steps to generate ideas and tap into your most creative self. 

  1. Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

When you spend a great deal of time invested in just about anything, it can become rote or unchallenging. When you start to notice that you’ve settled into practices that provide a lot of comforts but start to demand little in terms of your mental, emotional or physical energy, take matters into your own hands and switch things up for yourself and your routine. 

You don’t have to look far to find new ways to go about your day, and these novel practices don’t even need to be directly involved in your creative process. Even the discovery of new restaurant supplies for your workplace or a different podcast to listen to on the way to work can refresh your mind enough to spark new, interesting thoughts and ideas. 

  1. Look a Little Closer

Creation is as much about study and research as it is about the physical act of creating. Take some time to examine all the moving parts of your world, and go out of your way to introduce new ways of thinking that put seemingly ordinary things under a microscope to illuminate the nature of the everyday. Try to engage in a few deep dives into a new topic or subject every month, and you may be surprised when inspiration strikes. 

  1. Get Inspired

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and this is never more true than when it comes to the development of your own creativity within your chosen niche. Step away from your work and tune in to the work of others. Try to listen to inspiring music, listen to an inspirational TED talk or podcast, view evocative works of art, and even seek out the work of people you wouldn’t ordinarily consider. 

  1. Engage in Play

Sometimes creativity is slow to come because too much emphasis is placed on the work aspect of what you’re doing in life and not enough on play. Research has shown that the more immersive and enjoyable something is, the more able you are to tap into your inner creator and start to think outside of your creative block. Take time to play with new materials, go to the park with loved ones to play games or even just call in your inner child and imagine how they would tackle your project with less inhibition.

  1. Let Yourself Be Bored

It’s a lot more difficult to create brain space for new thoughts and ideas to form when you’re constantly bombarded with inputs that demand your time and attention. Studies about boredom have revealed that when you feel the discomfort of tedium or monotony, you’re more likely to engage in thinking patterns that look for new ideas and new ways to entertain or stimulate your brain. If you don’t have much time for boredom, try to let your mind wander whenever you’re able to give yourself the best chance to discover or realize something new and exciting while you daydream.

  1. Focus on the Process

Rather than put all of your energy into what you’re creating, focus more on how and why. Revisit the way you approach your work and see if there isn’t something new you can try just for the sake of novelty. Worry less about making something you’re proud of and more about how you can challenge yourself to come up with new or interesting ways to make it happen. When you do this, make sure to accept all of your ideas as valid, even if you know you may hate the outcome. The more you can experiment, the more likely you are to find your next big thing. 

Dec 21, 2021


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