Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Sep 10, 2021


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5 Ways to be Better Prepared in an Emergency

Emergencies can occur anywhere, no matter the time or place. It is important to be prepared with the right supplies and a plan of action. This can make it easier to handle any issues that arise, and even allow your life to get back to normal quickly. If you don't already have an emergency plan, check out these suggestions so you can start developing one today. 

  1. Develop a Plan

As overwhelming as it might sound, start by creating an emergency plan today. This can be for any natural disaster you might face, such as a tornado, fire, or an earthquake, or even if you had to flee an area. Think about what you would need to survive the disaster, what you can save and get ready to have on hand, such as food, water, medications, and even a change of clothes, and how you would keep yourself, family members, and even pets close together. Writing everything down and using an emergency preparedness plan can give you a sense of direction and calm even after a disaster has occurred. 

  1. Have Cash and Cards Easily Accessible

It's useful to have an emergency stash of cash on hand right away. Consider keeping it in a safe or somewhere that is easy to access so that you can grab it if necessary. In certain types of emergencies, ATMs might be down or out of cash if everyone else is trying to get to them. Banks could be closed or otherwise unable to operate. Using debit cards can be helpful, but having a small amount of cash for essentials can help you get what you need, especially if something comes up and you need something during an emergency. Although there are resources, such as an annunciator, that can help these establishments get up and running, it is better to be safe than sorry. 

  1. Remember There is Safety in Numbers

Staying together is the best way for people to ensure safety. When you make your safety plan, encourage family members to stay close to one another. You might even have them head to a neighbor's house or travel to other families you know and trust if they have more space and live nearby. 

  1. Keep Important Documents Together

Consider making copies of important documents, like birth, marriage, and adoption certificates, along with passports, driver's licenses, and other forms of ID, and keeping them on hand if you need them. Add pictures of pets and family members to the pile in case they go missing and you need to show others what they look like. Put the originals in a safety deposit box or a fire-safe, so they will be in a secure location that you can easily get to later on. 

  1. Have the Right Tools on Hand

While ensuring you have everything you need for an emergency, don't forget about other tools that can make life easier while you are waiting for help. These can include a Swiss army knife, firearms, matches, pots and pans, and anything else if you had to put your survival skills to the test. Ensuring you and your family have what you need in order to cook, find and get food, and even protect yourself is important when an emergency situation comes up and you need to figure out a course of action.

Before an emergency comes up, make sure you set up a plan with your family and everyone knows what to do. Have cash on hand in case you cannot easily get to it. There is safety in numbers, to stay close to those you trust, and even develop a plan with another family. Make copies of documents and keep everything together, with the original in a safe, secure place. Finally, have the right tools on hand so you can cook and defend yourself if necessary. These suggestions can ensure you are ready for nearly any emergency that comes your way. 

Sep 10, 2021


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