Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Jul 21, 2021


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How To Step up Your Next Neighborhood Barbecue

Everybody loves a barbecue, and one thrown in the neighborhood is particularly fun since no one has to travel any distance to get there. A neighborhood barbecue is a great way to catch up with busy families and to meet any new families who have moved in. The best barbecues, though fun and relaxing, take planning. It’s the behind-the-scenes preparation that will give your guests a fun-filled afternoon or evening. Try some of the things below to bring your barbecue to the next level and ensure that everyone has fun. 


Pick a theme for the party and make sure it’s something fun and light. Consider a beach theme in the city, a blues cruise, or camping in the woods as themes. Whatever you choose, the theme will help you plan everything else. It is the foundation from which you plan everything else. Once you’ve picked your theme, send out invitations in the style of the theme. If everything sounds too kitzy for your party, try an old-fashioned picnic theme. Have some blankets, checkered table cloths and maybe even a lime Jell-O with carrots. Themes can make the party fun.


Every party needs good music. You can have a playlist of your favorite songs lined up, but that takes a lot of time and effort to plan the music for a two to three-hour party. The music should match the theme. Consider commercial-free radio. Radio stations across the country can be accessed today, and you can get live sports, music in nearly every genre, news, and podcasts. With the wide variety of channels available, you should be able to find that zydeco station of your dreams.


Here is where the theme really benefits you. Your choices are narrowed down to the theme. The internet is bursting with recipes grouped by theme. If you have chosen a New Orleans-style style party, you can find recipes for a fish boil, red beans and rice, and even hurricane drinks. If a potluck is more your neighborhood’s style, stick to a common theme like the old-fashioned picnic. Since most people have some really great summer recipes, you’ll want guests to feel comfortable and bring their favorite dish. Several themes can work well.


The age of your guests and the available lawn space will dictate your game choice. Regardless of space, there are always fun games. When entertaining with yard games, think about socializing. You want established neighbors to meet new neighbors and you want the kids to be entertained. Bean bag tosses are always fun for children and adults, and if you have a few set up on the lawn, it gives people something to do as they socialize. For kids have a bucket of chalk and bottles of bubbles available. If possible, draw on your theme for game ideas. Think about a scavenger hunt where guests look for certain items related to the theme or possibly a game to stimulate socializing. Think of a variation of the bridal shower games where guests must socialize to answer a series of questions and get to know each other. This is great if new families have moved in.


Table cloths and drinkware can all be tied to the theme. Use color and search internet sites for theme party decorations. Nothing has to be over the top, but make it fun. Have a separate area for the drinks and provide tables for a food buffet. If tables and chairs for seating would take up too much space, get creative. How about bales of hay for impromptu seating. The focus should be on socializing. Most people can hold their food on their laps, but they do need to sit. Perhaps you can borrow some folding chairs from your church or a school. 

To make your next party memorable, start with a theme. A theme can actually make your planning easier. Hosting a party is work, but find time to enjoy it. It will be fun.

Jul 21, 2021


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