Lewis Robinson

Post Date: May 13, 2021


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Fun and Easy Ways to Spark Creativity

Whether or not you accept it as truth, the fact is that creativity is your natural state. Think back to your childhood or bring to mind a young person you love. Free from the inhibitions and judgments that life eventually introduces, humans are born with the ability and desire to experience and express all aspects of life. 

It's all too easy to lose connection with your inner creative genius, but you can revive that spark through the use of some fun and easy tweaks to your everyday routine.


Surround Yourself With Elements That Inspire You

Design an environment that speaks to your soul. From the colors of the walls to the artwork and photographs you display, let your home reflect the essence of who you are. Connecting with your authentic self via your physical space is a powerful way to encourage self-expression.

Also, don't forget the importance of smell and sound when creating your sanctuary. Scented candles or reed diffusers that evoke pleasant emotions are a great backdrop for creativity. Music can also be a powerful inspiration for your inner creativity. Surround yourself with the beats and messages that support your mood, whatever it may be. One day you might choose to stream Snooper, and the next, you might prefer opera or jazz. The important thing is to create a bridge between your true self and your surroundings.


Make It Easy To Capture Inspiration When It Hits

Great ideas can manifest themselves when you're in the shower, stuck in traffic, or awake in the middle of the night. If you don't document them when they hit, you run the risk of losing them forever. Keep a small notebook in your pocket or tote bag and another one on your bedside table, or use your smartphone as your journal. It doesn't matter what method you use; just make sure it's easy and accessible.


Take Yourself on a Date

Just as you need to make time for your loved ones, you should treat your creative spirit to some attention as well. Take a cue from inspirational writer Julia Cameron and select one or more of these 101 artist's date ideas. From going to a playground and swinging from the monkey bars to reading poetry aloud to yourself to writing a letter to your future self, you're sure to find several ways to refresh your creativity.


Practice Active Meditation

Take on a hobby that promotes both mental health and creativity. There is solid science supporting the fact that activities like knitting, crocheting, and gardening help people feel calmer and more focused, leading to greater creative energy. 

Research suggests that these types of repetitive activities are especially beneficial because they tend to induce "flow," a state in which you lose track of time and are drawn into a sense of clarity and serenity. As physical elements such as hunger fade into the background, creativity effortlessly rises to the forefront. It is a form of active meditation that many artists, scientists, and other creators swear by.


Find Your Tribe

There is power in community. Look for ways to connect with others who share your interests and passions. In today's digital world, it's easy to search for and join groups of like-minded people you can engage in interesting and inspiring discussions.

Find ways to connect with people face-to-face as well. Invite a friend to attend a live performance with you or talk with the artists at their gallery openings. Go to a slam poetry reading, and then work up the nerve to perform at the next open mic night. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

You were born creative, and you still are. By taking some simple steps toward reconnecting with the joy within, you can create a more fulfilling life. Creativity doesn't belong only to the famous artists, musicians, and writers among us. It's your birthright, too, so go ahead and claim it.

May 13, 2021


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