Mia Morales

State: 1 Post Date: May 6, 2021


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Where To Look To Discover the Beauty of the City

Do you live in a large city and sometimes get lost in the busy nature and forget to take time out to look for the beauty? Sometimes the hustle and bustle of the city with all the noise and chaos can make it seem distracting and cause it to be a little difficult to find the beautiful aspects that are out there. However, every city has plenty of beautiful elements if you just know where to look. When you slow down and take the time to look around you may start to appreciate long-overlooked wonders and start to discover new, hidden gems.

Examine Structural Elements 

First of all, you can find artistic beauty in the buildings that are surrounding you. Pay attention to the architecture. Explore or simply marvel at the older buildings that you come across. Appreciate the history they hold and look at the façades and the unique construction. 

You can even look at the relationship between buildings at the skyline they create and how they come together to form a neighborhood or even a business district. Notice how they play off of each other and form a cohesive unit. 

When you look at the buildings, pay attention to the smaller details of the design. One may have beautiful bay windows and another may have decorative columns that add to the appeal. Structural elements can be both functional and beautiful. You can find both with solar panels Texas that turn a building from ordinary to extraordinary, all while helping the environment. These simple additions may seem minor, but when you look at them with renewed interest, you can see how much variety they add.

Look at Your Community 

It can be all too easy to start to overlook your surroundings when you come into contact with them on a daily basis. What you once thought of as beautiful and interesting may now blend into the background. If this is the case, try to recapture the appreciation you once had. If you're looking for more beauty then open your eyes and start to notice again all the small aspects that add spice and color to your environment.

Maybe you want to spend some time in the local park to soak in some calming nature time. Or, you could help out in a shared garden. Remind yourself to take notice of the murals that are painted on the walls or even chalked onto the sidewalks. Attend art installations and shows nearby. Explore your options and don't be afraid to branch out into new areas.

Find Small Surprises 

Once you start looking, you never know just when or where you may find an overlooked treasure. There could be a hidden bench underneath a shady tree in a quiet spot, tucked away out of sight, where you can read and watch the people passing by. The city is full of these small spaces that you can share with others or they can be your own special getaway to observe and appreciate all that goes on around you.

Watch Social Interactions 

There is beauty in humanity itself as well. Everything from how people interact with each other, to how they express themselves, can be a work of art. Start to take note of the people that you come into contact with. Watch the beauty of dancers or the comfort of a couple holding hands. Keep an eye out for unique fabrics and styles where people express their individuality using bold colors and other accessories.

Be Open-Minded 

Finally, remember to keep an open mind. You never know when you'll be looking at the same scene from a different perspective and it will suddenly change in its view and appeal to you. There are so many things you may miss by not taking the opportunity to look.

Beauty is all around you, even in the big city, if you just open your eyes. Once you get into the habit of seeking it out you will start to notice more and more how prevalent it is everywhere. When this happens, you will add a new layer of appreciation for your life and everything in it. 

May 6, 2021


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