Lewis Robinson

Post Date: May 1, 2021


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Surprise! 6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

It’s no secret. Losing weight can be a monumental challenge - or at least feel like one. That’s particularly true if you love to eat. And who doesn’t love to eat?

What we eat makes it even more of a challenge. Many of the foods we assume are healthy - like frozen yogurt, which, with all the added sugar, might as well be ice cream - simply aren’t.

Luckily, it works the other way, too. There are a lot of meals and treats - like pizza! - we think we will pack on the pounds, but can actually help you lose weight. Here are six surprising options:

1. Chili Peppers

The secret is the capsaicin, which may naturally promote calorie burn. It does this by increasing oxygen consumption and body temperature, which, in turn, helps you burn more extra calories during a workout or when walking the dog around the block. There may even be a bit of an appetite-suppressing component to the spice. Other spices can also help aid weight loss, including turmeric and ginger. Consider recipes that include these spices.

2. Coffee

The more we learn about our morning cup of Joe, the more we discover its many health benefits. That includes giving us a metabolic boost that could help burn fat. Specifically, it is the caffeine in coffee that does the trick. This is why athletes often include coffee - or another caffeine supplement - as part of their pre-workout regime. The only downside? Coffee drinkers often become caffeine tolerant, losing the effects of that boost. Even so, coffee offers a host of other health benefits. It’s stocked with many essential nutrients and helps protect against diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia and diabetes.

3. Oatmeal

You know oatmeal is a healthy breakfast option, but you may still wonder, “Is oatmeal good for weight loss?” Sure is. It is loaded with fiber that will keep you feeling full for a long time. There are a ton of extra health benefits, as well, including lowering your heart disease and colorectal cancer risk. Those whole oats aid in digestion, too. Considered a superfood, oat are gluten-free and provide essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

4. Eggs

Maybe not the biggest surprise, but the protein packed breakfast food was once vilified for its cholesterol. Now we know eggs will stifle your appetite by filling you up with powerful protein, which also fuels calorie-burning lean muscle for the long haul. That’s why many runners include an egg sandwich or scrambled eggs as part of their long-run plan. Eggs rank high on the Satiety Index, which measures how well foods act as appetite suppressants, helping curb unhealthy snacking.

5. Kiwi

While all whole fruit is healthy, weight loss gurus often caution dieters about eating too much, mainly because of the natural sugars in many varieties, which could translate into added pounds. There are a few diet must haves, however, and that includes kiwi. The fuzzy little fruit packs a protein punch - about 4 grams a serving - and a low natural sugar count. Perfect to sweeten your morning smoothie and keep you feeling full throughout the day.. 

6. Pizza

This much loved, late night dinner option can be your weight loss best friend. The trick is choosing healthy ingredients when baking a pie. Toss whole wheat dough, smoother with an olive oil base and use fresh veggies and a moderate amount of cheese to top the dish. It is also a favorite for people who subscribe to the “cheat day.” This is a day each week during which you can eat whatever you want, within reason. Studies have shown that cheat days actually help motivate dieters to continue their plan.

Don’t forget to talk about your weight loss goals with your doctor. They should be able to refer you to a nutritionist who can further refine your plan, and help you discover healthy options to many of your favorite meals.

May 1, 2021


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