Jenn Lee

Post Date: Feb 25, 2021


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5 Ways To Transform Your Fears Into Motivation

If you're feeling lost, confused, and maybe a little stuck, it could be your fears that are holding you back and preventing you from reaching for your dreams. Fears can be sneakily debilitating; they can trick you into thinking your goals are impossible because you are incapable of reaching them. But your fears are lying.

You can reach for the stars (and get there!), but you have to knock out those pesky fears first. The best way to do this? Turn those fears into motivation and channel that energy into everything you do. Don't ever let your fears tell you that “You can't”: Start telling them that “You can.” Here's how.

1. Stay Positive

Focusing on all the things that could go wrong isn't going to help. Daydreaming about things like getting rejected or getting sick or getting in a cab driving accident (although fleet dash cam can prevent that) will not get you any closer to your dreams. What will get you closer, however, is focusing on the things that could go right. Whether you choose to focus on the excitement of a potential move to a new city or the promising potential of a new relationship, focusing on the good instead of the bad will keep you motivated to take risks in the pursuit of your goals.

2. Stay Thankful

In the same vein, it's essential to remember to be grateful for what you already do have. Even at your lowest moments, when it doesn't seem like it, your life is filled with blessings and privileges. Recognizing this and saying thank you will only make those privileges seem more apparent, and it will only motivate you to keep working toward gaining more. Without practicing gratitude, you'll destroy yourself in an endless cycle of pity, regret, and resentment toward yourself and the world around you. There's nothing more unproductive than that.

3. Keep Your Dreams in View

Never forget what you're working toward. It's easy to find a million excuses not to go after your dreams, telling yourself you're not talented enough, not smart enough, or not driven enough. It's not true. You are worthy of your dreams, and you need to stop being afraid of imaginary character flaws and roadblocks. To help with this, write your ultimate dream on a Post-it note and hang it on your desk; when you start to feel discouraged and afraid, look at your dream and remember why working hard is worth it.

4. Focus on the Things in Your Control

Not everything will be in your hands, and stressing about the things that aren't is far from effective. Yes, perhaps a snowstorm will prevent you from getting to a meeting, or a family emergency will force you to put a plan on hold. But these things aren't your fault, and constantly fearing them will only hack away at your heart and soul. Instead, focus on all of the things over which you do have influence: how hard you work, how much you believe in yourself, and how much you want it. You can't control the uncontrollable, but you can control your reaction to it.

5. Don't Fret the Mistakes

You will make mistakes. That's life; unless you're superhuman, you aren't going to be perfect all of the time. Don't worry about it. In fact, letting go of your fear of mistakes and embracing errors will only open doors to achieving your goals. When you're not afraid of doing something wrong, you are able to put everything you have into your project without holding back. Plus, learning from your mistakes can be the most valuable part of the process and can lead to new ideas and ways of thinking.


The bottom line is that you are more than capable of achieving your dreams. You are intelligent, you are powerful, and you are strong; letting your fears hold you back only hurts yourself. So turn your fears into fire and tackle the things that make you tick.

Feb 25, 2021


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