Mia Morales

State: 1 Post Date: Feb 19, 2020


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Tips for Designing the Best Commercial Website


A website serves as the public face of your business and often plays a key role in determining what sort of impression new customers or prospective clients are likely to form. There are several key aspects of site design that will help to ensure commercial sites are able to be as effective as possible. From an intuitive layout to branding that is consistent with other aspects of your business's marketing campaign or promotional efforts, a well-designed commercial site is a key asset for businesses that hope to succeed within the digital age.

Intuitive, Accessible, Easy to Use

Even high volumes of inbound traffic may not be able to make up for a clunky layout or a user interface that may simply be too difficult for visitors to understand. A layout that presents all information in a simple-to-understand and accessible format is not an aspect of your commercial website that should be subject to compromise. Just getting your customers or clients to visit your site is only half the battle, and a poor layout that may be too frustrating or difficult to understand makes it far more difficult to convert inbound traffic into sales revenue.

SEO Friendly

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful promotional tool, one that can be used to help grow your online presence and to connect you with those customers and clients who may already be seeking out your business's products and services. SEO is most effective when utilized as part of an overall marketing strategy or campaign, one that your commercial website also plays a key role in. SEO tactics and marketing techniques like incorporating keywords into the landing script of your site or hosting a blog that will help your page to rise through the search rankings can allow you to turn your webpage into a valuable promotional resource.

Mobile-site Optimization

A mobile-friendly site design is an issue that businesses can no longer afford to ignore. With more and more consumers using their smartphones and tablets for business purposes, retailers and service providers who fail to maintain a mobile-friendly commercial site could be placing themselves at a huge disadvantage. Even if your business makes use of a mobile app, you still need to make certain that the main site is able to be displayed properly when viewed on a mobile device. Failing to meet the needs of the future clients and prospective customers who prefer to conduct their online business through their phone is a very costly oversight.

Consistent Branding

Brand recognition is an important concern, especially for newer businesses, smaller organizations and startups that are forced to compete just to establish themselves. Marketing campaigns that feature different content than what may be displayed on your website can dilute your message and make it harder for your business to have a lasting impact on your customer base. The most effective promotional strategies are often those whose branding, marketing content and message remain consistent across multiple formats. Your website could play an important role in helping your business to cultivate the right image.

Using Analytics to Make Refinements

Even the most successful website designs and layouts will need to change and evolve over time. Data analytics can shed much-needed light on every facet of your commercial site and should play a prominent role in any refinements or redesigns. Hosting an outdated website can make your whole operation look dated and out of touch. Fine-tuning the site based on the latest data makes it much easier to leverage the latest design elements or consumer trends to greater effect.


A well designed website can provide a tremendous return of investment, especially for organizations who plan to conduct the bulk of their business online. Whether it's making a positive impression on first-time customers or helping to unify various aspects of a digital marketing campaign, a well-designed commercial site is a potent asset. Your business would do well to commit to creating and maintaining the best site possible.

Feb 19, 2020


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