Mia Morales

State: 1 Post Date: Jan 15, 2020


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Taking Care of Your Body: What You Should Steer Clear From 

Eating healthy food is essential for your mental and physical well-being. A balanced diet should consist of fiber, fats and protein, all of which come from a variety of food sources. There are harmful dietary components of food as well that you should know about and avoid if you truly want your food to optimize your body. These red flags can help you learn more about nutrition and the best ways to customize your diet.  

1. Soy 

Soy is a popular ingredient in a range of food such as tofu, milk, workout powders and soybeans. However, it contains phytoestrogens, isoflavones and natural toxins that can disrupt hormones and your body’s ability to digest protein. It’s linked to breast cancer in women and high inflammation levels.  

Unfortunately, over 90% of soy grown in the United States is genetically modified. Chances are that you can encounter unfermented soy products in your local grocery store. Fermented soy is much safer to consume, especially for vegans and vegetarians who seek a source of protein.  

2. Agave 

Be wary of this sweetener that is named after a plant. It’s devoid of all nutrient value and is made of processed fructose, which isn’t considered to be any better than processed sugar. Granolas, syrups and drinks can contain agave and tout it as a “healthy” substitute for sugar.  

The research indicates that fructose is dangerous to eat when it’s added as a sweetener. Fruit also contains fructose, but it’s natural and not processed. If you’re craving a dessert then grab an apple or orange after dinner. It's almost impossible to overeat fruit to reach unhealthy intakes of fructose. 

3. Lectins 

Lectins are a type of protein found in almost every food. Grains and legumes contain a higher amount than fruits, veggies and meat, which causes proponents of the paleo diet to claim that they should be avoided. If you’re suffering from digestion problems or autoimmune conditions then removing lectins from your diet might be beneficial.  

If sacrificing the deliciousness of beans, barley, quinoa and other lectin-containing food sounds too extreme then you can take steps before a meal to reduce the number of lectins they contain. Cooking can eliminate a large majority of lectin activity, which makes food easier to digest without sacrificing flavor.  

Simply boiling legumes can make them healthier. You can also learn how to remove lectins from tomatoes; using a pressure cooker takes a few short minutes. Or, you can ferment tomatoes to allow bacteria to break down the lectins. Fermented tomatoes are rich with gut-healthy probiotics and make excellent additions to sandwiches or stews.  

4. Processed Red Meat 

Not all meat is of the same quality. Meat that’s excessively salted, cured, smoked or fermented poses a cancer risk. Companies process meat to enhance flavor and improve shelf-life, but risk impacting the health of their consumers to do so. Hot dogs, sausages, ham, corned beef, beef jerky, Bolognese and canned meat are especially susceptible to these unethical practices; their labels should be closely examined when you’re searching for your new favorite lunch meat.  

Ideally, meat should be grass-fed and free of antibiotics. Consumers can taste the difference and gain the satisfaction of enjoying the higher nutrient content than its processed counterparts. Stores are offering ethically-raised meat because of market demand all across the country. This encouraging trend can turn into a norm and lower the occurrence of many diseases and ailments.  

5.Veggie Chips 

Veggie chips sound like you can eat them as much as vegetables, but their nutritional content should be questioned. Many are not made from real vegetables. Instead, their base is corn flour or potatoes like regular chips with added powder or puree. Even worse, these chips are often fried or baked which can create an unnatural chemical called acrylamide.  

Kale is a vegetable that might taste bland on its own to some. It can quickly be made into chips when it’s baked in an oven, however, and can save you a trip to the store.  

Eating well can be easy when you know which foods to avoid. Learning more about these five dangers to your mind and spirit can help you to make better choices.  

Jan 15, 2020


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