Mia Morales

State: 1 Post Date: Jan 8, 2020


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Skincare: How It Contributes To Fashion

Fashion is not only about what is worn, but how the person who is wearing it looks. You certainly don't see models that don't take care of their skin walking on runways wearing beautiful, new fashion. When you think of high fashion lines, you think of beauty. When you see an attractive person, you see glowing, radiant skin and great style. While beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, there is undoubtedly a correlation between fashion and skincare, and here are a few reasons how skincare has contributed to style. 

Beauty Defined

Beauty is defined by someone or something which looks aesthetically pleasing. Although society is moving to change the standard of beauty, someone who has flawless skin and an impeccable outfit is much more likely to be considered beautiful than another person without those qualities. Beauty has many subcategories, and they are not all about what is on the outside. Still, skincare and fashion are pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly together. 

Many Fashion Brands Also Sell Skincare

Many popular clothing brands have expanded into skincare because the customer base has already been created, and these companies can piggyback off their previous success. If there are already customers who trust a brand, they have no issue buying into a new product. The truth is if you are spending money on clothes than you want your skin to be taken care of, as well. It is a brilliant tactic to continue launching new products because these businesses have the reputation and capital to do so. Not to mention, it is not uncommon to get a sample size of new beauty products when you spend a certain amount of money at major retailers. This way, companies can market their skincare without spending an absurd amount of money. There is no doubt that skincare has played an enormous role in how clothing brands have spread into other markets.  

You Can Buy High Fashion and Skincare at the Same Place

If you shop around major department stores, you will see that the clothes, perfume and skincare products are all in the same place. You can buy shoes in one corner and take ten steps and be ready to purchase a cream that will diminish dark spots. The convenience of getting all your beauty products in one area is unprecedented and only increases fashion sales. Even if a shopper isn't in the market for a new sweater, they may walk by an oversized Free People poncho on their way to buy moisturizer, and the rest is history. Also, almost every store has a tasty variety of skincare that speaks to you as you wait to check out, knowing it is a compelling way to make sales on items other than clothes. These companies have learned to use skincare to increase revenue.        

Social Media

Social media marketing platforms generate a crazy amount of money every year, and a good chunk comes from people interested in skincare. Along the way, your favorite blogger posts about a new online boutique they love, and someone who once was following for tips on caring for their skin is now hooked on fashion. Skincare products and style ideas are so easily marketed together that they now dominate social media.

Skincare plays a huge role in fashion. Beauty care products have revolutionized the whole industry by creating a wider variety of products to choose from and enjoy. It is increasingly common for people to be lasered focus on getting their skin right, and once they're able to do that, they become obsessed with finding the right clothes to wear. Both production lines overlap an extensive amount, and together they make for a mutual partnership. If one side starts the struggle, an increase in the other can boost sales. The pair is so tightly wound it is much easier and more efficient to kill two birds with one stone and market both platforms as once. Fashion is most definitely not as successful without its skincare counterpart and vice versa.

Jan 8, 2020


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