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Tips for Creating the Perfect Home Studio

As artists, we know just how crucial the space around us can be in terms of how it affects our work. Some people dig busy coffee shops to write melodies, while others find they're more creative when they control the environment around them by working in a studio. If you are the latter, here are some tips for making the perfect space to paint, sculpt or do other forms of art:

Consider the space
Similar to when someone creates an office space where they will take conference calls and do business-related tasks, choosing where to make your studio is very important. For example, should it be located in or near the kitchen where there is a chance there will be loud noises and plentiful distractions? Think about the traffic flow through your home. Is your art likely to be disturbed (drying paintings, sculptures-in-the-works) in a specific area? Avoid those spots and try to find a more out-of-the-way location, like a spare bedroom or garage. Also think about your art essentials - what do you need to have in the space? Maybe you work with ceramics and need room for a kiln and potter's wheels, or perhaps you can work in a much smaller space because you do graphic design and only require a computer and an outlet.

Think about storage
The aesthetics of your workspace may greatly influence your ability to be creative and even affect your inspiration to make things. If you really like a clean area, for example, you may need to install shelving, cabinets or other storage spaces to stow away items you are not using and keep everything out of sight. If you're studying art market trends, you may need a computer to help you surf the Web, so also consider if you want a portable laptop or tablet, or can work in room for a desktop. If you're freelancing and need to print out an artist contract, do you have the space to add a printer to this room? You may prefer stowing it away under a desk or in a closet when it's not in use, so keep that in mind when arranging your space.

Do you have art-specific needs?
Many people find it helpful to have easy access to a sink and counter space for their art. A water source is helpful for cleaning out brushes, making plaster and just keeping things clean. It's not likely that you can make a studio space in your bathroom or kitchen, so consider revamping your laundry room or even part of the garage so you can have free reign and not be afraid to get messy. Plus, being able to use a utility sink can be super handy. Other art-specific needs may include easels, hanging space to dry paintings or display areas where you can put art that inspires you to make your own. 

Make it your own
You can alter many rooms to better suit your creative needs. Consider adding shelving and an adjustable desk to an area so you can have ample storage space as well as somewhere to put finished work before you sell it in an online art

market. Anywhere can be turned into a miniature photo studio where you can capture images of your work to include in an online art gallery. You'll just need a sheet, some lighting and a camera. Tayler the space you've chosen to suit your needs so you can be productive and inspired in your own personal studio.