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Bolo Rei From Portugal

This cake is a firm favorite with the Portuguese at Christmas. Ingredients: 1 packet yeast 1 kg flour 100 g sugar 200 g margarine 5 eggs 250 ml milk 1 tbs salt 50 g candied orange peel 50 g candied fruits 50 g ground pine nuts 50 g ground walnuts 50 g dried currents 50 g raisins 100 g dried fruit 1 egg yolk to brush on powdered sugar Preparation: Stir or crumble the yeast and half the salt into 125 ml of lukewarm milk and let it rest in a warm place. Then add the flour, sugar, margarine, eggs, and remaining milk and salt and knead it into a dough. Let it rest a second time. Set aside some of the dried fruit for decoration later. Add the rest to the dough, knead thoroughly again, and let it rest a third time. Form a thick roll of dough and drape it in a circular wreath on oiled baking paper on a baking sheet. The diameter of the wreath should be about 30 centimeters.