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Chanda Prater

city: North Augusta State: SC Post Date: Sep 4, 2016 Followers: (0)

My Gallery — "Super Sunday NOLA"

Super Sunday NOLA

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Super Sunday, a NOLA tradition. It is a day for the city's Mardi Gras Indian tribes to put on their colorful suits and "strut their stuff" while marching in a procession through the streets of their neighborhoods. In keeping with traditions that date back to the 19th century, Super Sunday New Orleans-style is the Sunday closest to St. Joseph's Day (March 19). During their processions, the participating Mardi Gras Indian tribes, led by their Big Chiefs, often meet other tribes (or" gangs") and their Big Chiefs, performing colorful dances, chants and other rituals. Each tribe and their Big Chief tries to outdo the other in a friendly competition witnessed by appreciative spectators. © 2018 ; Art Style; other; Tags: This piece is honor of all dedicated Indian tribe and afiliates of this certain culture.; Media: graffiti; Materials: Acrylics on canvas board ;assorted beads, stones and feathers. Original ID: s8xgm0KMZgOpNBgO

Sep 4, 2016


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