Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Mar 12, 2022


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5 Recent Improvements in Healthcare

Advancements in medicine and the way that people receive care are improving patient outcomes in a variety of ways. Technological progress is giving care providers new tools to keep people healthy. Enhancing the quality of treatment can ultimately enhance people’s lives. Here are some ways that recent developments in healthcare have impacted the way that people receive care and improved its quality.

  1. Gene Editing

The revolutionary science that has enabled geneticists and immunologists to alter genetic material played a central role in the development of the United State’s most important tools to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Segmenting virus cells in order to optimize immune responses has helped drug developers to craft a strong weapon. CRISPR’s technology is being applied to devise cures for ailments that have presented major challenges to the medical community.

  1. Telehealth

Healthcare changed dramatically over the course of 2020 and 2021. Apart from addressing a public health emergency, providers had to be attentive to keeping patients safe in order to facilitate regular preventive healthcare and basic forms of medical treatment. Telehealth visits surged in popularity.

Meeting with a doctor one-on-one online does not necessarily equip providers with the same ability to conduct a thorough examination in the way that they do when they meet with a patient in-person. However, it still affords them the opportunity to have a thorough dialog, respond to questions, and ask questions. In virtual consultations, they may diagnose conditions, form treatment plans, or determine what further diagnostic information is needed. The popularity of telehealth visits with primary care physicians and other care providers make clear that this advancement in communication in the healthcare industry is here to stay.

  1. Light Therapy

Repairing tissue with red light therapy for skin problems has become a popular way to counter scarring and age-related deterioration. The wavelengths of light emitted by a red light device are conducive to cellular repair and regeneration. It can strengthen damaged skin in a way that topical treatments alone may fail to do. Over the course of several visits, dermatologists or estheticians can generate appreciable results. People have undergone this treatment to successfully improve the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, and scarring from acne.

This treatment is an excellent tool to treat skin conditions because it is a non-invasive alternative to surgery. For the most part, negative reactions are typically not common or serious.

  1. Imaging Breakthroughs

Nanox Imaging has recently revolutionized x-ray imaging technology. Their low-cost machine and portable machine will make it possible to conduct imaging in areas of the world which have been wholly without access to this basic element of medical care. Furthermore, this technology uses digital sensors to create diagnostic images. It will ultimately supplant traditional methods of taking an x-ray which expose patients to radiation. The FDA has approved this machine for use, and its impending mass production can be a huge leap forward in imaging.

Nanox technology has not stopped there. Its digital MRI machine is an open-air device which does not require patients to be immersed in a stationary tube that emits magnetic signals through loud banging waves. Nanox’s machine is transportable, cost-efficient, and technologically superior. It produces better quality images than the images that radiologists can obtain with a typical MRI study.

  1. Monitoring

Many people are more in touch with their health than ever before thanks to apps and other programs which help them track it. People who are very serious about monitoring their health can get real-time alerts about their vital signs, how many calories they are burning, and how much exercise they are getting. Apps that people use in connection with a smart watch equipped with sensors can give them up-to-date information about progress towards specific health goals. Monitoring apps are strong motivational tools that guide people towards making healthy choices.

The quality of care that people have access to will become increasingly important as the population grows and there is an unprecedented demand for care. As advancements facilitate better preventive care, the population’s general health will improve. 

Mar 12, 2022


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