Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 21, 2021


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Helpful Tips to Prevent Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a sick sensation that is caused by movement. It can occur in boats, planes, trains, buses, and cars. It may also occur while playing virtual reality or on amusement park rides. Even just seeing the movement of something can trigger this feeling.

Motion sickness is not a life-threatening ailment. While this is true, it may make travel unpleasant. You can avoid or reduce the effects of motion sickness by planning ahead.  Keep reading to find out what you can do to avoid or reduce the impact of motion sickness.

Take Over

If you are riding with someone as a passenger, you may want to ask if you can take the wheel. Some scientists believe that motion sickness occurs when the movement that your eyes see is not the same as the movement sensed in your inner ear. If you are driving the vehicle, the senses may connect and prevent the sick sensation from occurring.

Face the Direction You Are Traveling

If driving isn’t possible, try to face the way you are traveling. This can help eliminate the disconnect between your inner ear and your visual sense. If you are on a ferry, move from the rear of the boat to the front. Some people have reported that sitting in the front seat helps to reduce these sensations while in a vehicle.

Keep Your Eyes on Something in the Distance

Try to focus on a stationary object ahead. This tactic will help improve visual stimulus. It may be necessary to move your position in the vehicle, too, which will provide additional benefits.

Take a Supplement or Medication

You can find all types of OTC medications for motion sickness. You can also opt for edible gummies, which have been known to have benefits to ease motion sickness.

Put the Screen Down

Some people who experience motion sickness may have problems texting or reading books on various devices. This is also a symptom of sensory disconnect between your eyes and inner ear. Focusing on something that is too close to you can make the symptoms you experience even worse. Think about switching over to music, a nap, or audiobooks to help pass the time.

Distract with Conversation or Music

Turn on the radio or have a conversation to help keep your mind off the way you are feeling. In some cases, you can distract yourself enough so that you feel better. Some researchers have found out that listening to music will help ease nausea and other symptoms related to motion sickness.

Get Some Air

Open a window or get outside if motion sickness has started to feel overwhelming. If the weather or your mode of travel does not allow this, turn the air vents on you. You may also want to use a fan to blow some cool air into your face. Tobacco smoke may wind up making your sick feeling even worse.

Eat Crackers

Taking time to eat a light snack, such as crackers may help to reduce nausea. Foods that are acidic, greasy, or heavy may make your sickness even worse since they take more time to digest. Make sure you plan ahead if most of the stops on your road trip are fast food joints. Some other smart snack options include bananas, apples, cereal, bread, and other grains.

Drink Water

Taking a few sips of cold water or a carbonated drink such as ginger ale or seltzer will help you reduce feelings of nausea, too. Try to avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and some soda, since these can lead to dehydration and make your nausea even worse.

If you want to avoid motion sickness while traveling, be sure to keep the information here in mind. These tips will help you reduce or eliminate nausea you may feel, which will make any travel experience more enjoyable. Keep this in mind to ensure you don’t have to deal with motion sickness while you travel. 

Dec 21, 2021


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