Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 12, 2021


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7 Ways That You Can Become a Better Student

Whether you're about to start college or you're currently struggling in your classes, becoming a better student can help you excel in your academic endeavors. Here are seven tips on how to improve your study habits and become the ideal student.

  1. Enjoy What You're Studying

Taking classes that interest you is one of the best ways to become a better student. When you enjoy what you're studying, you feel motivated to go to class every week and you'll be engaged in the material. Although you won't always be able to choose your classes due to the requirements that colleges and universities have in place, it's best to enroll in classes that you're interested in whenever possible.

  1. Set Goals

Setting short- and long-term goals is an effective way to measure your success as a student. Earning at least a B in your chemistry course is an example of a short-term goal that will motivate you to do your best. A long-term goal could be to secure a part-time job on campus so that you can pay off your student loans.

It's important to keep in mind that your goals should be realistic and achievable. Setting lofty goals that you most likely won't be able to accomplish can lead to discouragement and cause your performance to slip. Write down a few goals that you'd like to achieve and position them in a place where you see them often. This can keep you motivated to strive for success.

  1. Ask for Help

Contrary to what some people believe, asking for help is a sign of intelligence. Classes are often jam-packed with information, and you probably won't understand all of it. Don't be afraid to ask your professor questions during or after class. In addition to asking your professor, you should also take advantage of other resources that your school has to offer, such as:

  • Career center
  • Writing center
  • Tutoring
  • Library
  • Advisors
  1. Take Good Notes

It's one thing to attend class, but it's another to pay attention and take good notes. You don't have to write down every single word that's on the board; instead, jot down the important points and anything that your professor emphasizes. Resist the urge to talk to your friends, check your phone or daydream about what you're doing this weekend. You're in class to learn, so use that time wisely by being an active participant.

  1. Don't Procrastinate

Although procrastinating may seem like a good idea at first, it'll only hurt you in the long run. You know what you have to complete, so it's best to get it done so that you can enjoy your free time later. The longer you put off a task, the harder and less enjoyable it becomes. Complete your assignments when you first receive them and you'll thank yourself in the future!

  1. Find a Study Group

It can be difficult to navigate college by yourself, which is why it's so important to find a study group of friends or acquaintances who can hold you accountable for keeping up your study routine and regularly attending classes. Studying with others has been shown to reinforce your understanding of the material, especially when you explain concepts to them in your own words.

  1. Look at the Bigger Picture

When you get so caught up in your everyday life at school, it can be hard to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Why are you in college? What do you hope you achieve in the future with the knowledge that you're gaining now? Don't lose sight of your long-term goals and know that every day is a step towards fulfilling your ultimate purpose. 

College can be a difficult time, so why make things harder for yourself by not trying your best? Following these seven tips can help you on your path to becoming an ideal student and achieving your goals.


Dec 12, 2021


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