Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 1, 2021


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Tips and Tricks to Help You Be More Focused

The world of today is filled with things that seem to demand your attention nearly all of the time. It’s easy to feel like you’re always pulled in several directions at once, and it’s even easier to distract yourself from your responsibilities when entertainment is always just a few clicks or taps away. In order to achieve focus and stay on task, it’s important to learn how to improve your ability to concentrate and complete your obligations. 

Read on for helpful tips to improve your mental focus and stay concentrated when it matters most. 

Minimize Distractions

It can be hard to concentrate when your phone notifications keep popping up, your friends or family interrupt your focus or when you know you have a visit to a San Jose dispensary to make later on that day. There are a seemingly endless number of distractions present at any given time that need to be reduced or cut out completely when it’s time to buckle down and focus. 

Do what you can to ensure distraction-free alone time, whether that’s requesting a period of solitude, putting on noise-canceling headphones, turning your phone off or moving to a new area to work entirely, such as a coffee shop or library. 

Make a List

Concentration benefits greatly from organization and orderliness, as it’s easier to finish what you need to get done when you’re aware of just how much you have on your list in the first place. Do yourself a favor and make a master to-do list of everything you know you need to complete, even things that may have been sitting in the back of your mind for months. 

After you’ve taken care of listing the basics, choose some of the most pressing tasks and break those down into smaller, more manageable goals. When it seems as though you will only have to concentrate on a less overwhelming task, your brain is more likely to resist distractions and follow through. 

Take Care of Yourself

Maintaining a sense of focus can be nearly impossible when your body is running on fumes, no matter how willing and organized you are. Make sure your system has what is needs to not only function but function well. 


If you’ve ever felt sluggish, slow and spaced out after eating a meal high in sugars, unhealthy fats or processed ingredients, you’ve experienced firsthand the effect food can have on your brain’s functionality. Try to eat a healthful diet, and incorporate brain-boosting foods such as blueberries, pumpkin seeds, nuts, leafy greens, broccoli, whole grains and dark chocolate. 


Studies have shown that exercise is not only good for your body, but it’s an incredibly powerful process for your brain, too. Those who exercise regularly are more likely to report an elevated mood, sharper memory and a greater ability to learn and retain information. Aim for at least 150 of moderate aerobic activity per week for maximum benefit. 


Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on your system. Weariness and fatigue can impede your ability to concentrate, and can even prevent you from being able to store new memories or focus on a task with efficiency. For optimal brain function, adults should get at least seven hours of sleep each night. 

Take Breaks

Part of achieving sustained focus is the acceptance that you may not always be in the right place to do your best. Sometimes you hit an inevitable block or run into an issue that makes it hard to stay on task. In these cases, it’s okay to step away for a minute to recompose yourself and refresh your mind and body so you can return to your tasks more invigorated and ready to sit down and get them done. 

Stay Positive

Distractions, and giving in to them, can be incredibly discouraging. It’s important to remember that beating yourself up over your lack of focus won’t help you to focus any harder. Be kind to yourself and set yourself up for success, both in your environment and in your head. The more encouraged you feel to buckle down and work, the more likely you are to do it. 

Dec 1, 2021


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