Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Nov 16, 2021


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Simple Changes to Improve Health

Everyone wants to live a healthy life. Not only does it give immediate benefits in the form of increased energy and immunity, but it can also help prevent long-term illnesses, joint damage, and aging disorders such as early-onset dementia. 

Diet Changes

One of the biggest components in building a healthy lifestyle is your diet. If you are eating foods that leave gaps in your nutrition, your health will falter. The best way to fix those gaps is by balancing what you eat. While there are no "good" or "bad" foods, everything has its place. If you are eating nothing but microwave meals and not getting much produce, chances are you'll be missing out on a lot of vitamins and minerals and overloading on sodium. If you're eating only salads, you'll probably be lacking the proteins and fats your body needs to function properly. 

One of the unfortunate trends that has been circulating in weight loss circles is eating less to lose weight. While you should remain on a caloric deficit to lose weight, you should still be eating enough. You don't need to only eat one meal a day, or stick to 1500 calories per day, or anything like that to be healthy. In fact, those will have an adverse effect. Instead, choose healthy late night snacks or switch out fried veggies for steamed. It's the little actions that will snowball into big changes in your lifestyle. 

Regular Movement

Another small change that will make a lasting impact is including regular movement into your daily routine. The human body is incredible in the way it can move, and exercise should be a celebration of that fact. Don't exercise because you dislike yourself or the way you look, do it because you have the ability and moving is a privilege.

Incorporating more physical activity into your everyday life is pretty simple. This could look like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking a little farther away at the grocery store, or going for a walk on your lunch break. You don't need to go slam heavy weights around at a gym for hours every day to get moving. You could even do something at home in your room. There are many online fitness programs available today for a wide variety of different health and mobility variables. If you aren't flexible or don't have much endurance, don't worry! There will be something for you. If you want to break a sweat and feel your muscles burning after, right on. There are plenty of programs for you too. No matter what level of activity you are currently at, there is always a way to add some movement into your routine. 

Goals and Progress

If you are looking to start improving your lifestyle, you might be wondering where to start. To put it simply, you should start by setting a goal. Now don't start by setting your ultimate goal, but rather start by setting the first step. If your end goal is to have lost 50 pounds, start by setting a goal to lose five. if you set too big of a goal upfront, it will be difficult to keep your motivation to continue. By setting your goals in steps, you can achieve far more and retain your drive. 

Finally, it will probably help you to track your progress. If you can see where you've come from, it will be good motivation to get where you're going. Fitness trackers are a good way to keep your progress organized, as they often have logs for metrics such as daily activity, meals eaten, and weight loss. Many trackers will also give you reminders for activity and eating, just as an added bit of motivation throughout your day. If you are wanting to level up your lifestyle, start by keeping track of it! 

Overall, your health is in your hands. You can certainly make drastic changes for faster results, but if you are just looking to make your daily life a healthier one, it starts simply. 

Nov 16, 2021


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