Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Nov 9, 2021


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Five Common Supplements To Help You Lose Weight

It seems everyone desires to lose weight at some point in life. It's so easy to put on extra pounds but taking them off requires commitment and effort. Fortunately, there are proven supplements that can aid in weight loss. The five supplements listed below are common and known for weight loss. They can be found in any health food store or health section in a store. But just because these supplements are common doesn't mean they won't have side effects for some individuals. Whenever you begin to take supplements, do some research and talk to your medical provider.

  1. Vitamin D

The effects of vitamin D deficiencies are being seen throughout the population. This vitamin, typically received from the sun through the skin, is being recognized as critical to many of the body's functions. Vitamin D supports your bones, cells, organs, and muscles. A deficiency can affect the heart, skin, and metabolism. Vitamin D is also known to positively impact the entire immune system and help protect you against the flu and the coronavirus. If you're not getting half an hour outdoors every day, you may have a deficiency. Vitamin D levels can be measured with a blood test. 

Though no vitamin alone can cause weight loss, they can help to increase energy and metabolism and boost overall health. Any effective weight loss plan should include proper nutritional support. Many people find that a structured program with a set of pre-balanced supplements works for them. Read the Le-vel thrive review for information.

  1. Fiber

Fiber has many beneficial qualities. It aids in digestion and gut health. Foods and supplements high in fiber make you feel full. If you feel full, you are more apt to eat less. Increasing your fiber either by eating certain foods or supplements will help you feel lighter and fuller. Foods high in fiber are raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans. 

  1. Probiotics

Gut health articles are all over the internet and in magazines today. Entire diet programs focus on improving gut health. The standard American diet of processed food coupled with a year of inactivity may have contributed to this imbalance in the gut. When trying to lose weight, probiotics can help by decreasing belly fat and overall gut health. You'll look and feel better by adding probiotics to your daily health regimen. Consider natural probiotics such as those found in yogurt and fermented foods.

  1. Spirulina

Spirulina is found in health food stores and the health and vitamin sections of the grocery store.  Spirulina is a blue-green alga. It comes in either a pill or powder. The powder is extensively used in smoothies and is known for its high protein and mineral content. This supplement boosts the oxygen in the blood and reduces inflammation and fat throughout the body. It has also been found to decrease appetite. This product is loaded with Iodine, which supports the thyroid. The thyroid is the gland that regulates weight. If you shop for spirulina, look for those grown organically. Some products can be contaminated with mercury and other metals. 

  1. Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B vitamins support a strong metabolism. A mix, or complex, of B vitamins helps maintain optimum energy levels. This is important in weight loss because the more you move, the more energy is burned. Burning sufficient calories reduces weight. 

Vitamin B has numerous other healthful benefits related to overall health. It supports the condition of the skin and the cardiovascular system. Each B vitamin has a role in health. Work with your health provider to determine the optimum dosage and mix for your situation.

Many vitamins and supplements can work to help you lose weight. These five are commonly available, and they have been around for a long time. That doesn't mean the others are any less effective. With all vitamins and supplements, there can be side effects. You must be aware of them, do your research, and work with a trusted health professional. 


Nov 9, 2021


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