Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Nov 3, 2021


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6 Easy Ways To Protect Your Business

In the modern world, businesses need to be able to protect their data and their customers in multiple ways. They need to construct solid security in the physical world and in cyberspace. Here are six easy ways to protect your business.

1. Utilize Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning operations, or mlops, are highly effective cybersecurity tools. AI is often leveraged to automate various systems and tasks in businesses. They can also be utilized to automate cybersecurity. These algorithms can learn about what various cybersecurity threats are and how to detect, counteract and contain them. They can monitor your network, servers, systems and employees' work devices independently and consistently, without the need for human intervention or direction.

2. Implement Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication is an incredibly versatile strategy for keeping your business data and network access secure. Multi-factor authentication refers to the requirement of two or more authentication methods to access a website, program or network. It's a versatile method because you can mix and match the types of authentication options available to your users and how many methods you require someone to provide before he or she can gain access. Some authentication methods include passwords, hard and soft tokens, security questions and biometric authentication.

3. Protect Physical Assets

Not only do you need to implement strong cybersecurity, but you also need to make sure your physical assets are protected. Try to implement security policies that will keep your physical records, documentation and other sensitive paperwork safe from destruction and secured against theft. You should invest in storage methods that are fireproof, waterproof and difficult to move or remove for your most sensitive physical information and assets. Keep all physical assets most at risk of theft under lock and key, in a safe, for example. Your most precious physical assets are your employees and vendors, so you need to protect them as well. Make sure there are detailed, easily followed instructions for evacuating and locking down your property and that employees are aware of these and can easily access these instructions.

4. Install High-Quality Security Infrastructure

You need to implement a robust and multi-layered security infrastructure for your business, including physical and technological security measures. You should keep your property and premises safe by hiring security guards, installing security systems that include monitors and alarms and making sure your building can be securely locked. You should also invest in various cybersecurity tools, including network segmentation, antivirus software, malware monitoring, VPNs and device cleanup software. Additionally, make sure your employees are aware of your physical security measures and trained in cybersecurity precautions. They should be taught to recognize phishing attempts, start antivirus scans and log in to VPNs.

5. Monitor Your Data And Accounts

Business security isn't something you can set up and then passively allow to take care of itself. You should consistently and regularly monitor all of your sensitive digital data and accounts. Check your bank statements, credit reports and all other accounts related to your business periodically. Set up login and transaction alerts so you'll be notified right away if someone attempts to use your credit card or log into any of your accounts. If you notice any suspicious activity, notify the proper authorities immediately so you can prevent or mitigate attempted identity theft or business identity theft.

6. Register Your Intellectual Property

One aspect of business security you may not think of right away is the security of your intellectual properties, or IPs. You should make sure you register all of your IPs appropriately so all of your original concepts, products, designs, processes and methods are protected from theft and copyright infringement. There are several different types of IP registrations, including copyright, trademarks and registered trademarks. Each IP registration can make the difference between you profiting from your idea and someone else profiting from your creativity and hard work.

Make sure you take a multi-faceted approach in your strategy of protecting your business. You shouldn't neglect either physical security or cybersecurity. Both are equally vital to provide your business with the most effective protection.

Nov 3, 2021


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