Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Jul 2, 2021


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5 Tips for Keeping Your Shoes in Pristine Condition

No matter what type of shoes you're wearing, you want to make sure that they're in good condition and last as long as possible. Here are five tips on how to keep your kicks looking clean and pristine.

  1. Use Preventative Measures

While you probably only begin to think about caring for your shoes once they've become dirty, using preventative measures can ensure that they never reach this state. For example, using a shoe protection spray on your new kicks can prevent dirt, grime, rain and other debris from accumulating. These sprays typically last one to two months, depending on how often you wear your shoes. It's easier to prevent your shoes from getting dirty than trying to restore them to their original state, so be sure to start this routine early.

  1. Store Your Shoes With Care

It can be tempting to toss your shoes to the side after a long day, but this can cause scuff marks, scratches and other damage. Just as you would with other accessories, store your shoes neatly to keep them in ideal condition. A few storage options include:

  • Shoe storage boxes: These can provide the greatest level of protection against dust, temperature fluctuations and sunlight. This is particularly important for shoes that are made from organic materials, such as leather and suede. Be sure that your shoes are completely dry when placed into the shoebox, or else mold and mildew can form. If you're traveling, you can use a waterproof shoe bag to keep your shoes safely tucked away and free of dust and scuff marks.
  • Shoe racks: This is a good option for shoes that you wear regularly and want easy access to. Placing the rack in a convenient area such as the entryway, mudroom or garage can make it easier to pick out shoes every morning and put them away at the end of the day.
  • Shoe trees: This storage option can help you keep your shoes off the floor and your closet organized. However, these aren't ideal for long-term storage because the "tree" can distort leather over time. Shoe trees are best for casual footwear that you wear frequently, such as running shoes or flats.
  1. Don't Use the Washing Machine

Although it may be tempting to toss your sneakers in the washing machine, this can actually do more harm than good. Not only can it damage the leather, canvas or other material that your shoes are made of, but it can also cause the stitching to come loose.

Instead, simply use a damp cloth to dissolve any dirt that's hanging onto your shoes. If there are still some stubborn stains that won't seem to go away, try applying a mild shoe shampoo with a toothbrush. You can also use the toothbrush to scrape off debris from the outsole.

  1. Alternate Your Shoes

You may have a favorite pair of shoes, but try not to wear them every single day. Even letting your shoes rest for one day can give them a chance to breathe and lengthen their lifespan. You should also keep the cardboard or plastic inserts that come with your new shoes and stuff them on days that you're not wearing them. Although this can seem time-consuming, it can allow your shoes to keep their shape and prevent creases from forming.

  1. Use Acid-Free Tissue

Acid-free tissue is an absorbent material that can maintain your shoe's moisture level and prevent them from deteriorating. If you want a heftier material, try unbleached muslin fabric, which can also absorb residual moisture. Use enough material to smooth the toe box and heel, but not too much that your shoe will stretch. Acid-free tissue is best for long-term storage.

Caring for your shoes can be time-consuming, but it's essential if you want to lengthen their lifespan. Whether you're a shoe fanatic or just want to keep your small collection of shoes looking pristine, be sure to keep these five tips in mind.

Jul 2, 2021


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