Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Jul 1, 2021


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6 Ways to Stay Healthy as an Artist


Long hours in the studio, continual handwork, and the stress of running an art business—all of these demands will take their toll on your health.

While many artists work through the clock to perfect their craft, it's crucial to remember that you're a human being. And you can't do the best work if you're not happy and healthy.

Here are some healthy suggestions for artists to help you feel your best, so you can stay strong both physically and mentally.

  1. Hydration and Nutrition

While this one should go without saying, it might be difficult to stay hydrated when you're on a creative high, especially because many health experts recommend drinking at least 64 ounces of water every day in between meals and drinks.

To keep track of your water intake, draw a line on a large clear water bottle every few ounces with a sharpie to indicate how much you want to drink each hour. This encourages you to take a sip now and then, eliminates the need to constantly refill your cup, and makes water consumption less intimidating.

Taking supplements can help keep you nourished if you miss some meals. Asking "What is Thrive" is a good place to start when finding the right product. Otherwise, healthy snacks like carrots are a quick option to keep you creating. 

  1. Keep Your Studio Clean

It's critical to consider your long-term health. Make sure your studio is free of contaminants. Make a studio inventory, keep all hazardous materials contained, and double-check your room's ventilation. If you're concerned about your supplies being in the same place where you eat and sleep, you should consider renting a studio space.

  1. Switch Up Your Position

Standing and sitting both have advantages. If you like to sit, make an effort to get up and stretch every hour or so. Setting a timer will ensure you don't forget to stretch.

Standing is a terrific way to develop your muscles, but make sure you wear supportive shoes and consider investing in a cushioned mat to prevent foot discomfort.

Have you tried substituting an exercise ball for your work stool? It's not just for hipsters and millennials in the office! They can help strengthen your core muscles and alleviate back problems.

  1. Stretch

Whatever position you choose to create your art, whether it's hunched on a stool or crouching over a table, you're most certainly placing strain on your back. Stretch your back routinely before and after studio time to keep the soreness at bay. Try stretches like the Lying Knee Twist, Cat-Cow yoga stance, and more.

Even so, your back isn't the only thing you should be concerned about. Overuse can also strain your prized creative instruments, such as your hands and wrists, so stretch them out as well. 

  1. Destress

It's just as vital to look after your mental health as it is to look after your physical health. Whether you choose to meditate or actively endeavor to overcome your concerns as an artist, letting go of tension and concern will improve your overall well-being.

Making being organized a priority is another great stress-relieving method. You can organize your artwork and track your sales with the push of a button using an art inventory management system. 

  1. Try Meditation

It's sometimes important to take a step back from your hurried life and meditate to reclaim your tranquility. Refocusing the mind can help you reclaim your creativity as well as relieve stress.

If you want to attempt meditating on your own, try choosing a peaceful, comfortable spot, counting your breaths, and regathering your thoughts whenever they wander. You don't want to go it alone? In between studio breaks, listen to guided meditations on YouTube or try the free trial of Headspace.

Putting your health first will have a good impact on your creative company, whether you need to clear your head of stress or stretch out your weary muscles. Consider what you could accomplish if you weren't limited by pain or exhaustion. Take these suggestions to heart and notice how much better you will feel.

Jul 1, 2021


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