Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 6, 2020


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3 Ways To Energize Your Pets

While dogs are often known for their high energy and spontaneous bursts of running around your house, this is not the case for every dog out there. Some dogs are older or just are not as energetic as their notorious counterparts. If this is something you want to change, there are ways you can encourage your dogs to be more high energy. If you have noticed your dog being a little sluggish lately no matter what their age, then you should consider switching things up in his or her life. Here are three ways you can help your dog to have more energy.

1. Supplements

Supplements are items meant to supplement your dog's normal, daily diet with things that they may not be getting through just their food. Humans use supplements all of the time to help increase their energy and increase their general well being. A human supplement might look like a scoop of protein powder in a morning smoothie which can add extra protein, vitamins and minerals that they may not be sure they are getting from their meals. The great news is, there are plenty of supplements out there that you can administer to your dogs in order to increase their healthfulness and general energy! One fantastic option would be to put a dropper of CBD oil for dogs into their food once a day. CBD, or Cannabidiol, is an extract from the cannabis plant that people and dogs alike use as a daily supplement to help with anxiety issues, low energy issues and more. Utilizing this great, natural supplement could help increase your furry best friend's energy on a daily basis.

2. Exercise

In order to ensure that your dog can maintain its energy levels throughout the day and start developing his or her energy again on their own, you should consider increasing their exercise levels. Of course, if your dog is in their golden years, those exercises will look a lot different than if you have a younger dog who just needs an energy boost. If you have an elderly dog, your exercises with them could be a short walk in the evening three times a week. If they are younger, then you can push them a little more! Some dogs respond great to structure training and aerobic exercises. You could find equipment such as hoops and stands to provide a fun, engaging routine that allows them some exercise as well. If your dog is not quite the focusing type, then consider investing in a frisbee. Playing catch with them in your backyard or at a dog park multiple times a week could really boost their energy. As you utilize training exercises or fun games of frisbee, you could also work them up the going on runs with you. This one would also be healthy for you as the owner and help increase your energy. There is nothing better than you and your dog growing and bettering ourselves together.

3. Food

Food is a huge contributor to energy, as studies have shown. Many dogs eat basic dog food that you can find in any grocery or dollar store. However, many of these dog foods have unhealthy fillers and ingredients in them that could be hurting your dog and decreasing their energy levels. You could invest in a high quality, veterinarian recommended dog food or even try to make your dog's food at home. If you do this, you should certainly do a lot of research and discuss it with your dog's vet first.


Not all dogs have super high energy, and that is perfectly okay. As some dogs walk towards their senior years or even just find themselves not jumping around, you as their owner can rest assured that you can try some different things in order to help increase their energy. Your pup's quality of life is important to you, as it should be. You should give yourself a pat on the back just for looking into what can make your dog' life even a little bit better. Then, you should go give your dog a big hug and start working on both of your future's together!

Dec 6, 2020


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