Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Aug 21, 2020


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5 Ways To Take Care of Yourself When You Are Busy Taking Care of the Kids

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do, but it is also one of the most challenging. It can be easy to forget to take care of yourself when you are so busy taking care of the kids all the time. Part of a mother's selfless love is putting her children's needs before her own, but this can lead to a cycle of depression and anxiety. While it is certainly wonderful to take care of your children, you also need to set aside to solely focus on your health and needs.

  1. Go to the Gym

Exercise has many proven benefits for mental, emotional and physical health. Taking some time a couple days a week to work out at the gym can be a great way to stay in shape and give you something to look forward to. You can do this while the kids are at school, or ask your spouse to watch the kids for an hour on the weekend so you can get a good workout in. Consider trying different types of workouts to strengthen and tone your whole body; for example, fat burner exercises help tone your body while running exercises help get your heart healthy.

  1. Have a Spa Day

Everyone deserves some rest and relaxation from time to time, and moms are no exception. Pamper yourself by getting a massage, getting a facial or getting your nails done. This is something that you can do once a month or more often as your schedule and budget allow. You will have more energy to take care of your children and household when you take time to rejuvenate your mind and body. You ask a lot from your body, so it is important that you treat it well and give it the rest it needs.

  1. Have a Date Night

When your life becomes focused on taking care of your children, your marriage can get put on the back burner. However, for the sake of yourself, your spouse and your kids, it is important that you do everything you can to keep a healthy marriage. Spending some time together away from the kids can be a healthy thing to do. Once a month, you should hire a babysitter to watch the kids while you and your husband go on a date night. It can be something as simple as dinner and a movie, but just getting out of the house and being a couple is important.

  1. Take a Girl's Trip

Every now and then, you likely need a break from the demands of everyday life. Your friends can be a great support system, and taking a couple days for a girl's trips can be something great to look forward to. You do not have to go for a long trip; just a weekend getaway to the beach can be enough to reset your mind. You will be ready to tackle whatever comes your way after a few days of relaxation with friends. If you have someone to watch the kids, you and your husband can even take a fun couples trip with some of your friends.

  1. Treat Yourself

A lot of moms feel guilty anytime they buy something for themselves. You might look at the money spent and think of what it could have bought for the kids. It is important to remember that you have things you want as well, and while it is important to not go overboard, you can treat yourself to something like a new purse every now and then.

While being a mom is a rewarding adventure, you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself to the best of your ability. When you are taking care of yourself, you can give your children the best version of yourself. Say goodbye to the exhausting days of putting everyone else's needs first; take some time to figure out what you want and spend some time doing that.

Aug 21, 2020


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