Mia Morales

State: 1 Post Date: Aug 6, 2020


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The Must-Haves for Your Home Cleaning Kit

Though your spring cleaning might be a few months behind, it is never too late to get your house looking and smelling good. Not to mention clean and germ-free, especially in light of the threat COVID-19 still brings. You can get lost in the cleaning supply aisle of your local retailer, as there are products for every kind of surface with a dozen different scents and application methods. Here is a go-to list for the staples to keep in your home.

Clean N’ Toss Pads

These SOS pads are extremely versatile, warranting a spot on the must-haves for your cleaning supply stash. They can tackle projects like tile and grout in the shower, or they can scrub baked food off the surface of the stove or pans in the kitchen. With the Clean N’ Toss, the dish soap is already incorporated. You can use them for tough jobs and toss them when you are done.

Thieves Cleaner

One of the most highly recommended products produced by the Young Living Essential Oils line, Thieves cleaner is a good-smelling but effective all-purpose cleaner. It can be used on wood, glass, mirrors, plastic, tile, and appliances. The Thieves cleaner can be purchased as a concentrate, and the ratio for distribution makes the product last a long time. All you need is two capfuls of solution to one spray bottle filled with water. The smell is amazing, but the all-natural compound lets you feel good about spraying in on the well-handled and common surfaces of your home.

Mr. Clean Erasers

These are the in-a-pinch cleansing pads for the busy mom, career professional, and everyone else that doesn’t have time to scrub marks of the doors, trim, walls, or bathroom vanities. The Mr. Clean Erasers are tough enough to handle sharpie markers but gentle enough that they won’t scuff your furniture or woodwork, and it won’t peel the paint off of the walls.

Baking Soda Scrub

For the tough stains in your sink or around the drain of your tub, you can save some elbow grease by sprinkling baking soda around. It is a great non-abrasive alternative to harsh chemicals. Though you will still need to scrub on stubborn stains, you can both clean a product and eliminate terrible smells through baking soda scrubs. You can also use baking soda to help clean stainless steel pans and appliances.

Microfiber Cloths

Using a microfiber cloth can help stretch your budget on cleaning supplies. They are good used either damp or dry and can take on several different cleaning tasks. They can be used for dusting, shining stainless steel appliances, and cleaning mirrors and windows. You can throw them in the washing machine to get rid of cleaning stains, and if the dirt buildup gets too bad, you can boil them. It is best to avoid using them on toilet cleanings or cleaning up raw meat juice in the kitchen.

Cordless Vacuum

Sweeping up the wooden floors or the tile in the bathroom still leaves a lot of debris behind. With a cordless vacuum, you get the suction power of a vacuum cleaner without the strain of pulling around your big cleaner. The Swiffer Sweeper and Mop is a great little combo piece that gives the added support of suction on crumbs and dirt while adding dust and moisture coverage. Paired with the Swiffer WetJet Mop, you can have your floors shining and residue-free in a matter of minutes.

Natural Cleaners

There are some household products that you should always keep on hand since they can double as cleaning supplies. White vinegar and dish soap are two of these items. There are some recipes that call for equal parts of Dawn and vinegar combined in a spray bottle to clean tough stains from the carpet, remove the scum from the shower, clean and sanitize the toilet bowl and spray as a multi-surface cleaner. Though some people don’t like the smell of vinegar, this is definitely an easy fill-in item when you find you’ve run out of bleach or Lysol.

Cleaning your home shouldn’t be a dread, and with the right cleaning products, you can get it done quickly. Whether you want something natural or you don’t mind national-brand cleaners, a clean home can help create a happy, healthy home.

Aug 6, 2020


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