Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Jul 9, 2020


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Making Your Home Safer and More Comfortable for the Whole Family

For parents, the number one priority is most often creating a safe existence for their child. Every choice that you make can affect their lives, and it is important to be vigilant about their safety and security. Keeping track of every factor can feel overwhelming, as it feels like there is always something to think about. As you look to ensure a safe and comfortable lifestyle, consider these choices, and keep in mind how they can affect your family to improve your safety at home.

Sustainable Energy Sources

While we may have never considered green sources of energy, alternative energy sources will play a key role in our child’s future. While the earth currently supports human life without immediate concerns, at our current rate of environmental damage, there will come a time where that will likely change. By opting for a cleaner energy source like a solar power system, we can help promote a world where our children don’t have to worry about their environmental future.


Particularly for young children, childproofing is a necessary step in keeping them safe and healthy. By cornering off areas that could present imminent dangers, you can avoid huge risk factors. Once your child starts moving on their own, you need to ensure that all rooms where your child will be are protected and have sufficient babyproofing.

Protection From Chemicals

Even after the developmental period when your child needs babyproofing, it is important to secure chemicals that could be harmful. Keeping caustic, dangerous and volatile chemicals away from your child and locked away can help you avoid serious injuries and reduce your risk. This can help you take a proactive role in creating a safer home for your entire family.

Renovation Precautions

While the chemicals in your home’s cleaning and home improvement supplies are factors that you may have considered, keep in mind that renovations can also introduce other dangerous agents into your home. Make sure that you enlist the services of a contractor who is aware of safety concerns when kids live in a space that is being renovated. Anything from VOC chemicals to lead paint to an active construction site can prove dangerous to your little ones. Make sure to take the time to sit down and discuss your options and concerns before any work takes place and you can rest assured that you are establishing the proper protections.

Conversations With Your Kids

Once your kids are old enough to hold a conversation, you must take the time to discuss safety risks. While you certainly don’t want to scare them, you also need to take an active role in educating them. Covering topics like strangers, protocols for if they are lost, emergency plans and how to stay safe is essential. Don’t forget to take the time to assure them that they are safe, but that you also want to make sure they have the tools in the case they run into a situation where they need to employ those skills.

Modeling Behavior

Another facet of creating a comfortable and safe household is creating a space that offers emotional safety to your children. Stability plays a key role in your child’s development, happiness and overall life, so you must play a part in shaping that experience. This ties directly into emotional safety and stability, as children will follow the lead of their role models, who are most often parents and guardians. Modeling for your children how to talk about emotions, listening to them when they are experiencing feelings and validating their feelings gives your kids a great example that they can live by. Safety and comfort go far beyond the sense of physical safety that you have in your home, so make sure that you also include their emotional state as you plan.

Parents often try their best to create an environment where their kids can grow and thrive. This involves a great deal of planning, risk assessment and important conversations. While this can be time-consuming, this can pay dividends to provide your entire family with positivity, a sense of security and strong relationships.

Jul 9, 2020


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