Mia Morales

State: 1 Post Date: Nov 25, 2019


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How To Style A Smart Home

In today's fast-paced technologically-advanced world, it is not surprising to find our highways populated by self-driving cars to smart homes automated by a vast array of stylish and savvy devices. A smart home with builtin artificial intelligence manages a conglomerate of contraptions that can control the home's internal temperature settings, window shade treatments, surveillance monitoring system and act as your personal assistant, for example. However, the more machines a home has, the more challenging it is to manage their placement in the home. You want to avoid making your habitat look like an electronics store. Here are a few ways to organize and style your smart home.

Device Control and Management

With wired electronics devices, you can run the risk of cluttering your table space or floor space with cables of all types. You can choose for instance to hide your Internet cables under the carpet along the walls that lead to a closed closet where your modem or router resides. You can also manage the cords from your devices with the right type of cable organizer.

You may want to designate a control room where all your wired smart devices can be monitored. Some modern homes are designed to accommodate the deployment of home technology. This will require some designing based on your house layout. Wiring of these devices needs to be planned in advance by consulting an electrician.

Many smart devices are Wi-Fi-enabled. Even with smart wireless devices scattered all across the house, it can become hard to locate and manage them. Having a central control and monitoring dashboard to oversee the functioning of these devices is ideal, especially if it can be remotely-manageable from a smartphone. You can find Home Automation Systems that specialize in this capability.

Styling with Color and Art

If you would like to integrate your smart devices to blend seamlessly into your home, try matching the color of these accessories to the decor of your room. A smart doorbell that corresponds to the color of your front door is aesthetically pleasing. Similarly, a smart lock that complements the texture, color and style of the door looks great and may deter criminals from trying to break it. A smart speaker that blends well with the rest of your furniture is a good find. Room lighting affects the ambience and mood of the room dweller. With smart LED lightbulbs that offer a rainbow of colors, you can create the right atmosphere to maximize your enjoyment.

A wireless smart television that is boxed in a frame can masquerade as an art piece when placed on a special tripod stand or against the wall. It blends seamlessly with other framed art in a special gallery in your home. This aesthetic piece, when turned off and placed on a wooden stand, could also pose as a blackboard in a technologically-equipped classroom. 

Besides color and art, modern smart devices have become stylish and are unrecognizable as technological pieces. For example, you can find a special router that is packaged in a geometric shape instead of the usual cuboid. In certain restrooms, you may find a smart mirror that also functions as a television, to provide alternative entertainment to book reading.

Charging Station for Wireless Devices

With so many smart devices at your disposal, you will need to continuously power them on the go. You can dedicate a section of your room or house as an overnight charging station for your wireless devices. Some devote a special drawer to charge their phones and tablets to make finding them easy. You can purchase a commercial charging station organizer that resembles a slotted paper tray.

Wireless charging solutions are now available that can utilize your countertops and other surfaces as hotspots for replenishing the power of your Wi-Fi-enabled devices, however, these gadgets must already have builtin wireless charging capability. In addition, Internet tutorials abound on how to construct your own wireless charger.

Placement of Security Cameras

Security cameras within public buildings have to be visible, however, they can be hidden inside and outside your private home in strategic and unsuspecting areas to avoid criminals from tampering with them. Some outdoor suggestions include placement inside PVC piping, birdhouse and bushes, and under the eaves instead of on a ceiling or roof. A hidden security camera or spy camera can be purchased hidden inside a non-functional smoke detector or masquerades as an alarm clock among others. Check with your local authority to see if private video recording is legal.

Despite the benefits of having virtual connectivity with others, sometimes you just want to relax without any interference from the outside world. Some families dedicate one day a week just for that and unplug from all their smart devices. You can style your home by designating a part of your house to be free of smart technology 24/7 and enjoy the company of a good book or simply friends.

Nov 25, 2019


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