Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Sep 28, 2019


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Art in Unique and Interesting Places


Art is a way for creative minds to let loose and have fun in a wide array of forms. Art provides a way for people to relax and enjoy themselves. Art has been around since the ancient Egyptian times starting with hieroglyphics. It has since then changed, morphed, shifted, and keeps reinventing itself along with the human race. Art itself still appears in unique and different places.


Art of Man


The art of man is neither refined or abstract. Humans made art into something of status, beauty, ideas, and anything else one can think of. Art reached higher points of desire when the artist was hired to paint for the rich. Art appeared through political stances. Where is art in today's man-made structure and designs?


Art can appear in pool designs and backyard made structures. Custom pools Santa Rosa Beach makes unique artful architecture. The pools are made to look natural or just exotic in one's backyard. The builders will create a falls and a small natural haven for the landscape. Other pool owners would design the bottom of their pools. Bottom of the pools could have roses, flowers, sea life, and so much printed on the flooring. The printing could even shimmer from the beaming of the sun. Adding pool lights to the swimming hole can provide a fanciful array of colors.


Buildings that are curved or bent in such a way is also artful in their way. The company wanted their building to stand out, to show who they are, or the company may just like the style of the building. It takes a creative and detailed oriented eye to create these buildings. A building made of entirely of glass is unique and beautiful in its own right. Building today like the Taj Mal Hal shows an interesting display of colors, yet everyone knows people of higher status stayed in those building at one point in time.


Bridges, boats, and material goods have a certain art to them as well. The boats are big, sleek, and luxurious. The logo or name of the ship is scrolled across it to show the name of the artwork. People who enjoy art would also enjoy the art of the ship layout. Bridges hold a significance to what they are, why they are made, and the craftsmanship put into the structure. The material used can push the idea of what is art and what isn't art. The bricks, the landscape surrounding the bridge, it all plays creating those snapshots people so desire. The Golden Gate Bridge is well known and said to be one of man's greatest architectural achievements.


Nature Art


Nature can give way to natural art pieces around the world. Well-known photography pieces were taken at breathtaking landmarks. One of the most recent places to snap a piece of nature is at the Poppies blooming. Land bridges made from vines, branches, moss, and tree trunks are from years of nature forming.


The Earth's natural surroundings also bring out the most exotic and beautiful of creatures. Creatures like elephants, tigers, lions, rabbits, and sea life lead to gorgeous artworks. The octopi, chameleons, and camouflage based animals are living artworks themselves. Their natural body functions led to new technology, to new fashion ideas, and brought artists new ideas.


The trees themselves design themselves with the bugs that live inside them. The trunks tattoo themselves to have intricate swirls and line work. Sometimes those line works display shapes that humans can make out as something new. Trees even create face after a long time alive. The majesty of the woods is shown from the canopies with the shades of greens.


Caves can show the glimmer of wonderment and adventure. There is a beautiful thought behind the caves that were from long ago. The minerals that shine under the light or in the water. It what attracts people to this natural art display.


Art is everywhere, in the excepted and unexcepted places of the world. Man-made or natural, art is an ever-growing and unique concept. Art will always be with human-kind for many more years to come.

Sep 28, 2019


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