James Robinson

Post Date: Jan 30, 2020


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How To Drastically Improve Your Market Value



One of the primary goals of most everyone in America is to make significantly more money. Even if we won’t admit it, we all also want to be respected, needed and looked up to. We all have financial needs, but we all make out decisions mostly on how we feel. There are a few things you can do to make a difference in all of these areas.



One of the most potent and effective ways to increase your general value in a business marketplace is to get more education/ hone your skills. First is getting an education. Say what you will about formal education, it is still highly revered in the minds of almost everyone. If you have a formal degree, you are thought of as capable and intelligent and therefor valuable. If you can attain any higher level of education, it will make a huge difference. Even if you don’t have a high school education, even just getting that will help you immensely in the long run. Even if you can just get some college, you are better off than not. Luckily there are many options to finish a degree online that are affordable and work around any schedule. Even if you don’t go the traditional route of education, if you commit yourself to reading books and doing all you can to get hands on experience in the field you are interested in, that will go a long way as well. Ideally you would both get hands on experience and a formal degree to really sweeten the deal.



Build Your Network

It may not seem like having a network would increase your personal value. Think of it like this. One person invites you to an event with a keynote speaker that you have never heard of and other speakers that you vaguely know about. Someone else invites you to an event where the keynote speaker is someone you know about, it is Bill Gates or Elon Musk and the other speakers are nobodies. Which are you more interested in attending? if you have connections to powerful and interesting people, you now become valuable. Not only can they get you in better places but they are usually willing to solve problems for you network as well so long as you nurture that relationship. It is not hard to build a network, but it is even harder to make it by without it.



Build a Rap sheet

I know a rap sheet is generally used in a negative context. A rap sheet for means a list or a portfolio of your past accomplishments. Think of it as a menu to show potential employers or clients as to what you can do for them. Think back on any and all projects you have done in past jobs or in your own time. Compile those into one pace, ideally on a website. Give before and after data, show how you contributed, how you showed leadership, how your skills were helpful. Be a little braggy about it. This is to show someone that you are worth their time, make it worth their time. This way even if you don’t have a formal education, you can still show that you can solve any problems that they might. You can show evidence that you are a capable and valuable asset to a company or client because of your skills and results. This way you still show credibility and value.

Jan 30, 2020


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